The World is the Screen IA Summit 2013

Summary: Andrew Hinton shares his slides from his talk at the IA Summit in 2013 on "The World is the Screen: The Elements of Information Environments."

It was my honor and great pleasure to give a talk at this year’s IA Summit in Baltimore, MD. My topic was “The World is the Screen: The Elements of Information Environments.” I covered a lot of material, so I’m grateful for the attendees for their energy and engagement during the session. I could tell people were listening, because afterward I found there were many lovely tweets. Here are a few (among many):

    • @jamiansell: There is not a division between digital and non-digital environments. We only have one environment.

    • @danachis: The tools IA uses are like the way doctors give our anti depressants. 

    • @muumba: Thankful for big ideas & informed perception @inkblurt rocking concepts of communication of information and the modes we use. 

    • @angel: “What could be more important that understanding the medium we work with?” 

    • @jayeffvee: Ecological psychology. My eyes iz opened.

    • @livlab: “Language is not information, it’s environment.”

    • @emenel: This session by @inkblurt is exactly what we need. A great marriage of theory and practice, clearly connecting the why and what.

    • @A_Silvers: “Language is literally infrastructure.”

When throwing oneself into the lions den with a bunch of hunches & still-digesting research, it’s very encouraging to hear people say this content is not only interesting, but useful to them. It gives me hope that as I keep working through these ideas (and the book I’m writing to articulate them) it’s all leading to something of value.

Here are my slides (with notes) and, further down, some marvelous “sketchnotes” by Chad Martin (@chadQmartin). Enjoy!



Provided by Chad Q Martin

"The World is the Screen" by @inkblurt #sketchnotes from #IAS13
