Talking About Context at CHI Atlanta

Summary: Andrew Hinton shares slides from his talk about context at CHI Atlanta.

I had the delightful opportunity to speak at a recent gathering of CHI Atlanta. Thanks to everyone for inviting me, and showing up to hear me share ideas from the book I’m working on.

At The Understanding Group, we’re increasingly helping clients sort out cross-channel, multi-platform challenges. The research and writing I’ve been doing for a while is trying to get underneath the technology complexities and figure out some essential principles about how people experience and comprehend context, so we can frame the technology solutions properly to begin with. Happily, my obsessions and the work I do in my day job have a lot of similarities 🙂

I’ve uploaded slides for folks to see—unfortunately, since this is still such a work in progress, I don’t have presenter notes in there, but hopefully the main points won’t be hard to follow.
