Video: Content Strategy Forum 2013
Summary: Video of Dan Klyn's talk at LAUX: Establishing What "Good" Means with Performance Continuums
Dan Klyn gave a presentation for 100 or so folks in Burbank for the LAUX MeetUp called Establishing What “Good” Means with Performance Continuums. It was hosted at a marvelous Disney digital skunkworks sort of place, and the TUG team were treated to a tour, which included a to-scale replica of Walt Disney’s desk and office/working space.
Dan Klyn “Continuums to Establish What Good Means” from LA UX MEETUP on Vimeo.
Special thanks to Disney for hosting and sponsoring the event, and to Crystal Ehrlich and the volunteer promotions and organizing team for LAUX. Extra super thanks to Chris Chandler, the godfather of IA and UX matters in Los Angeles for “pulling a Wurman” on Dan and showing him that “two fingers of rye” can be vertically-oriented fingers.