The Understanding Group (TUG)

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Understanding Self-Service User Behavior


SoftCo. provides mission-critical software to modern software development teams. Early product designs were driven by SoftCo’s innate understanding of their user, but as they grew, they wanted to develop a research-based perspective to increase their product’s performance.


We focused on the self-service onboarding experience, a known problem area for one of their primary products. In collaboration with SoftCo.’s Director of Research, TUG designed a 13-week qualitative study across three phases, involving 24 users, to understand the nature of the problems.


The research identified two primary mindsets, each with distinct needs and different onboarding journeys. TUG mapped these onboarding journeys to put the research findings in context. The maps provided a clear way to understand the multi-faceted nature of the customer needs over time, allowing the SoftCo. design team to meaningfully apply research findings to solve the most important problems.


After presenting the two mindset journey maps and identifying opportunities for improvement, TUG facilitated an exercise to prioritize actionable next-steps. The SoftCo. team grouped the projects and mapped them across four quadrants by difficulty and importance. This prioritization effort translated evidence-backed user needs and opportunities into a prioritized backlog of projects.

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